Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
Write The Book #84 (2/15/10) Gary Kowalski
Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
Tuesday Feb 16, 2010
Interview with Gary Kowalski, senior minister to the First Unitarian Universalist Society in Burlington and the author of several bestselling books, including Revolutionary Spirits: The Enlightened Faith of America's Founding Fathers. Today's Write The Book Prompt is inspired by President's Day. As you look for writing ideas this week, consider one of the following quotes. Listen to these famous words by some of America's founding fathers, and then free write.
He that goes a borrowing goes a sorrowing. ~ Benjamin Franklin
If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace. ~ Thomas Paine
Where the press is free and every man able to read, all is safe. ~ Thomas Jefferson
Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism. ~ George Washington
Philosophy is common sense with big words. ~ James Madison
Good luck with this exercise and please listen next week for another. Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several South Burlington High School students.Monday Feb 08, 2010
Write The Book #83 (2/8/10) Janet Reid
Monday Feb 08, 2010
Monday Feb 08, 2010
Interview with literary agent Janet Reid, of FinePrint Literary Management. Today's Write The Book Prompt is to write a query letter. It should be a single page long. And according to Janet Reid, it should be "as well written, and carefully thought out as you can make it." Avoid hyperbole and cliche. Avoid the expression: my book is about. If you query by snail mail, always include an SASE: that's self-addressed stamped envelope. ALWAYS include your email address and phone number on the query letter. And address the letter to a specific agent, not to a long list of names in an email. And not to Agent, as in, "Dear Agent." And be sure to check out Janet Reid's excellent chart, What You Need Before You Query as well as her second website, Query Shark. Good luck with this exercise and please listen next week for another. Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several South Burlington High School students.
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Write The Book #82 (2/1/10) Chris Bohjalian
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
Interview with bestselling Vermont author Chris Bohjalian about his latest book, Secrets of Eden. Today's Write The Book Prompt was inspired by the work of my guest, Chris Bohjalian. As we discussed in the interview, Chris allowed one of his narrators, Katie Hayward, to have a point of view about something she hadn't witnessed, that is, her parents having danced lovingly at a wedding. Katie relays details about this moment by way of a home movie she's seen of the dance. This week, experiment with unusual ways to let your characters narrate events they may not have first-hand knowledge of. Let a father find a note that his daughter wrote to her boyfriend. Let the detective overhear a conversation in the washroom. Give that philandering husband have a frightening and possibly prophetic dream. Or, as Chris did, share an event with your narrator by way of a reasonably reliable video recording. Good luck with this exercise and please listen next week for another. Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several South Burlington High School students.