
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Tiffany McDaniel - Interview #638 (8/17/20)
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Tiffany McDaniel, whose new novel Betty (Knopf) is based on the life of her mother.
In my interview with Tiffany, we talked about bringing deeper meaning to detail. In Tiffany’s case, she brings deeper meaning to the corn and corn silk, that show up throughout the book. Corn is in the characters' lives as food and as a crop. But also, corn is a part of Betty’s father’s Cherokee-inspired story about Betty and her sisters. As such, corn comes to represent more than it initially seems as the story unfolds. This week’s Write the Book Prompt is to bring deeper meaning into a detail that has already appeared in your work. Don’t force anything, but work with a detail that is already in the work and might mean something more. Use it to enrich what you’re trying to bring to the page.
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Monday May 25, 2020
Alka Joshi - Interview #626 (5/25/20)
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Debut Author Alka Joshi, whose novel The Henna Artist (MIRA) has been chosen by Reese Witherspoon as the next Hello Sunshine book selection.
Alka Joshi generously offered us a Write the Book Prompt for today’s show. Think about a real person you know, and reinvent their life. What if their life had taken a very different turn? What if they’d done something completely different? What if they had married someone different, or lived in a different place, or escaped a certain set of circumstances, what would have happened, and who would they have been?
Good luck with your work in the coming week and please tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Laurie Halse Anderson - Interview #558 (4/22/19)
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Award-winning author of books for young readers, Laurie Halse Anderson. Her latest is a memoir in verse, Shout (Viking).
This week’s Write the Book Prompt was generously suggested by my guest, Laurie Halse Anderson. If you were to write about a secret you’d never shared, what would you write?
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music: Aaron Shapiro

Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Sarah Ward - Interview #520 (7/23/18)
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Saturday Jul 28, 2018
Vermont Author Sarah Ward, whose new novel is Aesop Lake (Green Writers Press).
This week's Write the Book Prompt was generously offered by my guest, Sarah Ward. In her writing, Sarah tries to fully depict villains as well as the “good guys,” whose stories always do tend to be fully explored. In the Harry Potter series, for example, what do we really know about Malfoy? Why is he—a wealthy, privileged boy with two devoted parents—such a jerk? Write the backstory of a villain. What drives him to be a bully or a sadist? What makes her so dark, so villainous? What are your villains frightened of? What do they want?
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and please listen next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Friday Sep 29, 2017
Nancy Hayes Kilgore - Interview #475 (9/25/17)
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Friday Sep 29, 2017
Vermont Author Nancy Hayes Kilgore, whose new novel is Wild Mountain (Green Writers Press).
This week’s Write the Book Prompt was generously offered by my guest Nancy Hayes Kilgore, who is a pastoral counselor and has been a parish pastor as well. She suggests considering, “What was your first spiritual experience? Where were you? What could you see and feel? What were your senses telling you at that time? What spiritual awakening might have come out of the moment?” Consider these questions, and use them as inspiration as you begin to write.
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and please listen next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Zoe Zolbrod - Interview #418 (9/19/16)
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Author Zoe Zolbrod, author of The Telling: A Memoir (Curbside Splendor).
Good luck with this prompt, and please listen next week for another!
Music credits: 1) "Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) "Filter" - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several former South Burlington High School students).