
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Elizabeth Bluemle Archive Interview (12/27/21)
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
Thursday Dec 30, 2021
A conversation from the archives with Vermont children’s author Elizabeth Bluemle, about her picture book, TAP TAP, BOOM BOOM (Candlewick Press).
My son and I once experienced a hurricane in Florida. Those of you who know storms might remember Charlie, in 2004. We stayed in a motel in Winter Park–a second-story room with an outside entry that looked out at the parking lot. The storm was fierce and loud. We lost electricity and the room went dark, but outside the winds were furious and sounded like the world would end. The eye arrived, and with it an eerie silence. Hotel guests all stepped out of our rooms and stood leaning on the metal railings, looking down at the parking lot, talking, eventually feeling a kind of rapport that comes with facing the unknown. When the winds picked up again, we all went back inside our darkened rooms, feeling like we knew the neighbors who surrounded us, if just a little bit. This week’s Write the Book Prompt is to write about a weather incident bringing people together, as they do in the subway in Elizabeth Bluemle’s book, Tap Tap, Boom Boom.
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Monday Aug 31, 2020
David Goodwillie - Interview #640 (8/31/20)
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
David Goodwillie, whose new novel is Kings County (Avid Reader Press).
This week’s Write the Book Prompt was generously suggested by David Goodwillie. Have a character go for a walk in a city, along a country lane, or in really any place. How would that character see the world? Have the person see it in a different way than you, the author, would. David points out that all too often, we try to give characters our own traits, rather than wholly letting them be their own people. If you’re having trouble building a character, this exercise in setting and perspective can really help.
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Christine Coulson - Interview #588 (10/28/19)
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Author Christine Coulson, whose new novel, Metropolitan Stories (Other Press), was inspired by her time working at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
We have three Write the Book Prompts this week, all sparked by my conversation with Christine Coulson:
- First, challenge yourself to write from the perspective of an inanimate object. Animate it. Think about how it might feel, if it could express thoughts about its current situation.
- Next, rather than exchanging work on the page, try sharing your writing with a friend who acts as an editor for you, by reading aloud from your work and letting that person offer suggestions, after hearing it. This is how Christine Coulson and her editor at the Other Press, Judy Gurewich, worked on Metropolitan Stories.
- Finally, imagine yourself in a famous museum or other historical building after hours. What would you do, and how would you feel?
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.
Music Credit: Aaron Shapiro

Friday May 17, 2019
Catherine Cusset - Interview #561 (5/13/19)
Friday May 17, 2019
Friday May 17, 2019
Catherine Cusset, author of Life of David Hockney (Other Press).
This week’s Write the Book Prompt was generously suggested by my guest, Catherine Cusset. When we remember something that we've shared with another person - a story or incident - very often, two very different stories might emerge from the two perspectives. Memory is not reliable, and so different people will remember events differently. With this in mind, write the same event or story from the perspectives of two people who experience it. These can be two lovers, two siblings, a parent and child, two friends; whatever you choose. Consider how each experiences a moment in time - and the sensory details each notices (what they see, hear, smell, etc) - then write two versions of the same story.
Good luck with your work in the coming week, and tune in next week for another prompt or suggestion.

Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Jean Zimmerman - Archive Interview #459 (6/26/17)
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Thursday Jul 06, 2017
Acclaimed nonfiction writer Jean Zimmerman, whose novel, The Orphanmaster, was published in 2012 by Viking.
Today's Write The Book Prompt is to write about an interaction between two people who do not share a common language.
Good luck with this prompt and tune in next week for another...
Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several South Burlington High School students)

Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Kristin Kimball - Archive Interview #337 (3/10/15)
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Wednesday Mar 11, 2015
Interview from 2011 with Kristin Kimball, author of The Dirty Life, published by Scribner.

Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Elizabeth Bluemle - Interview #297 (6/9/14)
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Thursday Jun 12, 2014
Vermont children's author and bookstore owner Elizabeth Bluemle, whose latest book, Tap Tap Boom Boom, came out in March from Candlewick Press.
This week’s Write The Book Prompt was suggested by my guest, Elizabeth Bluemle. Write a paragraph using only words that have four or fewer letters. This is not an exercise in writing for children. Write about an experience. One that works very well, says Elizabeth, is to write about how you got a scar. Almost everyone has at least one small scar. The outcome might seem stilted at first, but it makes your brain work around itself and take pathways you’re not used to taking, to express something. Interesting things always come out of doing that. You are tricking your brain into discovery.
Good luck with this prompt and please listen next week for another.
Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several former South Burlington High School students, now alums).

Monday Jun 02, 2014
Colum McCann - Archive Interview #295 (5/26/14)
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Monday Jun 02, 2014
Interview from the archives with the author Colum McCann. We discussed his National Book Award winning novel, Let the Great World Spin. His novel TransAtlantic, published in 2013 by Random House, has just come out in paperback.
Music credits: 1) “Dreaming 1″ - John Fink; 2) “Filter” - Dorset Greens (a Vermont band featuring several former South Burlington High School students, now alums).